Monday, October 13, 2014

technology advacement

So Technology Has Developed Like This? I did store my girlfriend's number with her name Rose, on my phone o. This morning, I decided to call her, to see how she is doing. As I scrolled to her number and called, a voice said; You have insufficient credit to make this call, please recharge and try again. I checked my account balance to confirm this, it was true, so, I borrowed my neighbour's phone to make this call. This my neighbour is my close pal o. Someone that we played with pant in the street when we were growing up. Very reliable guy man he is. As I dialled my girlfriend's number on his phone, do you know what appeared on the screen? ''MY LOVE''. I started wondering how did the phone know that the owner of the number is my lover. When I asked my friend how did the phone know that the owner of that number is my love. My friend told me that this is what all this new phones do now o. So technology has gotten to this level? White people are trying o! We are really moving forward. Palz dont you think so?

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